Saturday, February 13, 2010


MAJOR SECURITY 2010 INFECTION. I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING!? - virus going around 2010

So recently I was sure this horrible virus of 2010, the round, and now my computer to do anything. I can not go on the Internet, I can not open my files because the virus has infected me says it all.

OK, I said, have literally tried internet guide me to do:
- Antivirus software to download: I've tried Malwarebytes, Search and Destroy, Spyware Doctor that works. All this does not work because the virus is to say that their files are "infected". In fact, you can run Spyware Doctor to open, but not easy exploration. I began to not click on "Scan".
- Rkiller: when I open on my desk, sits with the blinking cursor and does nothing before they die.
--- Start in safe mode: I did it, no longer log into safe mode, but before he shut down to do something on my computer virus. Today in safe mode will not let me go, no matter how many times I clicked.
- System Restore: I used to be able to commit to the Restore tab PC, but could not recover in the program to the system, and now I can not go, either because they become infected ".

Is there anything you can do, or should a new hard drive?


14u2c said...

The alternative is a bootable CD to create your computer. BitFinder system_recover has software that can be used. Unless you have a software that burns ISO images, you need to do a program that will download. This is not a difficult process, even under the technical jargon. First, download the ISO image from the first link below and save it on your desktop for easy access. Then invite CDBurnerXP second link below. During the installation CD burner, you have a check in the box CDBurnerXP ISO files instead. Once all downloads are complete, click on the icon of the ISO BitFinder stored on the desktop. CDBurnerXP opens automatically and gives you the ability to burn ISO image to disc. You must use a blank disc for this. W Flash DrivesPatients do not work, and if more space is not so good. After firing to the ISO image to disk, so that the disk set on the infected computer, you see them and wait for the options screen will be. Once the main screen to the scanner, click Refresh. When it is updated to the Internet .. If you need help, please write me to my profile page to Yahoo Answers. Good luck! ...

Edit: When you click the link BitFinder select the 2009 version of the course. The 2008 version is also there.

papa smurf said...

removed in the non superised malwarebytes.
I had the same last week.
If you disable System Restore before you malwarebytes? Do you have before you upgrade malwarebytes?
Then I ran Malwarebytes and Spybot S & D Super-Anti-spyware, and then

Danny said...

Follow the instructions on the link below the instructions step by step how your system is clean from infection with anti-spyware tool. It is very effective and fast

Efforts to facilitate removal by the free scanners: ...

Tassular said...

Reinstalling only the Windows CD and start with, it loads the file from the CD drive seen, seriously, can not be UR, the virus is not everything: P, then easily installed on the hard drive and reformed, and in the Indeed ^ ^

♫ said...

Because thou hast done this, I think it's a process, or the possibility of restoring your system.
Only repair or reinstall the operating system.

BSoD said...

Now you know, a virus is not an option software.Format driving through a variety of safety and common sense when surfing the net.

Mike said...

YES! to format the hard drive. From there delete everything and reinstall Windows to run as purchase. (Note: All files are deleted important files first for backup)

albania3... said...

with the System Restore you can get a recovery CD, and changed the hard drive and delete them.

brandon said...

I like to start the damn sounds bad comp.that

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