Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Long To Recover After Ovarian Cyst Surgery How Long Does It Take To Recover After Laparoscopic Surgery To Remove An Ovarian Cyst?

How long does it take to recover after laparoscopic surgery to remove an ovarian cyst? - how long to recover after ovarian cyst surgery

My husband and I have tried for about a year when I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst concieve. Since we have gone through fertility testing without a clear indication of our infertility, thought my doctor it is better to surgically remove the cyst because it can cause the problems, was pregnant. My surgery in 1 week and asked me how long it takes to recover. When can we expect to get a normal period again, and how long after, maybe my husband and I tried to concieve again?


Roland's... said...

A week at most. Normally there are only 2 cuts, 1 / 2 inches each. Not a lot of pain for all involved. The worst thing they all the gas every time you get so you sit in, you get this stabbing pain in the shoulders. It Hurts - but almost no pain cuts for day # 1 The best thing that tries to hurt for the pain of gas, stay upright as possible to the point where you cry, but the more you move, the faster it goes.
Laparoscopy My first time I stayed for a week and still have problems with flatulence. My move second, longer, and disappeared after 3 days.
You probably want to wait a week before trying again. The operation is likely to miss your period, just an FYI. The operation will have to help themselves more fertile right after.

Pyrkie said...

I had a diagnostic laparoscopy on Thursday and to be honest, I was not prepared for what I felt. I was not worried and I think it would be easy, but much pain - probably caused by the gas - I have IBS, so it was pretty serious. I began to feel normal until Sunday, and I'm still not 100%. The procedure itself is nothing to fear, but do not expect to be prepared for a walk in the park - as a procedure under general anesthesia may make you feel bad. I felt really stupid, because everyone seemed fine, but listen to your body and then a week to get back in full. Good look trying to get pregnant: 0)

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